jueves, 25 de septiembre de 2008

Martin Newell. Aprenda inglés (del bueno) con Harlem

“I've always been a rebel”

El inglés Martin Newell, un poeta, músico y cantante volcado en su carrera en solitario desde hace tres lustros (antes formó parte de grupos de rock como Pod, Gypp, The Stray Trolleys y Cleaners From Venus), ofrece hoy en el Salón de Actos del Colegio de Abogados de Bizkaia, en Bilbao, su primer y único concierto en España. El promotor de turno le presenta como autor de “pop quintaesencialmente inglés y de original excentricidad”, y OSCAR CUBILLO, quién si no, le lanza unas cuestiones. A summer tamarind es su último disco. Y Selected poems su último libro.

Writer or musician.
I am known as both, but as I get older, writer seems to be more of a dignified gown to wear. However, my abiding obsesssion is music. All art aspires to the condition of music.

Novelist or poet.
I don't write novels. I am known here as a poet, satirist and diarist. I am too fascinated by the truth to make stories up.

Newpapers & arguments.
I have written (and still do write) for the national newspapers. I wrote for The Independent, The Independent on Sunday, The Sunday Express and the Guardian... Mainly as a poet, sometimes as a feature writer, usually on pop culture- related subjects. I'm said to be England's most published living poet now. But the poetry establishment don't like me.

Favorite writers & musicians.
Writers: George Orwell, A.E. Housman, John Betjeman, PJ O'Rourke. Musicians: Beatles, Kinks, Brian Wilson, Marin Marais, Erik Satie.

Last solo album, 'A summer tamarind'.
It's an album of three minute English songs, recorded quickly, cheerfully and unpretentiously, with no modern commercial values. It's happy... slightly psychedelic.

Your lyrics.
In the ordinary people I meet and situations which surround me. I have no great artistic statements to make. I try to reflect reality.

I have never been to Spain before. Badly behaved British people go to Spain. It's one of the things which has stopped me going before... Also, Bilbao is Basque. I am interested in the Basques. They seem to be strong and defiant and they have this ancient mysterious language. I only come to Bilbao! It sounds real. It appealed to me. I've always been a rebel.

The show.
The show will be me, a guitar and a piano. It's a pity I don't speak the language. I can tell good jokes and stories. I hope I can entertain you all. But I warn you I'm English... in a very old fashioned way. I still say "please" and "thank you" and try to behave well and not drink too much.

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