jueves, 23 de abril de 2009

Clem Snide. Aprenda inglés (del bueno) con Harlem

Barcelona (23 de abril, La [2] de Apolo); Bilbao (24, Kafe Antzokia); Mallorca (25, Teatre Lloseta); Santoña (26, Club Tropicana)

"Hungry bird is sad because I was still dealing with the death of my mother"

Más vale tarde que nunca. Aún le quedan cuatro escalas a la gira española en que el lánguido Eef Barzelay presenta su novedad, Hungry Bird (Houston Party), acabada unos tres años ha. La banda se disolvió durante la grabación, que se edita ahora, y Eef reúne a Clem Snide para una gira. El álbum arranca bien, etéreo, entre Will Johnson y The National, y al final decae por la pura tristura. Eef le puso al día a OSCAR CUBILLO desde Los Ángeles, California.

Main musical influences.Neil Young , Daniel Johnston, Hank williams, Tom Waits.

Eef Barzelay and Clem Snide.
I don't think there is much difference. With clem snide I still write the songs but we work out the parts together. I'm always looking for people to work with and for the Eef Barzelay records I was helped by other people (ben folds friends) than the men of Clem Snide. So it didn't feel right to call it Clem Snide.

Why did Clem Snide split.
I had a painful break up with Pete the guitarist and also with our long time manager. At the same time, our record label was going out of business. I had to suffer for a few years and so now the gods are smiling down on Clem Snide and it feels great!!! Clem Snide has been around in one form or another since 1991 so at this point it can never die.

Strange touring with an album recorded three years ago.
Not really I'm been having a good time making the songs come to life on stage and also we are playing a lot of old song from all the old records.

Hungry Bird & sad music.
I'm just an atheist jew living in Nashville singing the blues. I think Hungry bird is sad because I was still dealing with the death of my mother.

More on the loud and punk side of Clem Snide but also sweet and tender when it needs to be.

Smart and cool on stage.
But of coarse. Nosotros estamos muy guapos (sic).

Last tour.
Clem Snide is back!!!! And we hope to have a new record out next year and keep playing and touring.

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