martes, 24 de marzo de 2009

Cult Of Luna. Aprenda inglés (del bueno) con Harlem

"Post-metal is a really stupid label, invented by a journalist who wanted to sell more issues"

Hace poco OSCAR CUBILLO nos hacía saber que "tembló el misterio" durante el reciente concierto de Cult Of Luna en Bilbao. Presentaban su nuevo disco, Eternal Kingdom, y, por lo visto, fue un concierto con pasajes diversos, dominador de la gradación y muy bien conjuntado a pesar de que estéticamente cada uno de los siete componentes pareciese ir a su bola. Bonitas estampas dibujaron con su coreografía, no tan anárquica como parecía, entre los cabezazos a la nada, las patadas al aire y las sacudidas del espinazo. Arrancaron amasando atmósferas del gusto David Lynch, al poco desfilaron marciales y con trompeta como si fuesen huestes de la película 300, y después compusieron instrumentales post-rock que nos hicieron imaginar a Explosions In The Sky pero estallando ingrávidos como acorazados estelares.

En la segunda parte se endurecieron. El vocal rugiente y gutural asumió más protagonismo, el volumen siguió atronando pero distinguible (los juveniles, tatuados, chulitos y estetas luneros protegían sus tímpanos con tapones), y el trance se recreció hipnótico, absorbente como un agujero negro, con más violencia que la de Earth, más nervios, articulaciones y matices que Sunn O))), y un dominio de la gradación que ya les gustaría a Mogwai.

Por si esto fuera poco, poco antes Oscar había charlado con Johannes Persson, guitarrista, y cantante ocasional, del septeto sueco.

Que cuáles son vuestras principales influencias.
Well, when we started we wanted to "experiment" with a lot of dark and slow atmospheric music, for example bands like Neurosis, but later we opened the "area" of influences and every passionate and emotional musical expression was welcome.Que si puedes definir el sludge metal y post-metal.
Well, i would say that sludge-metal is bands like Eyehategod, Bongzilla or also stuff like early Isis. slow and noisy heavy riffs. Melvins, early Today Is The Day and Unsane could be a bit the "roots" in early 90´s also of course Black Sabbath.
About post-metal, i think is a really stupid label, invented by a journalist who wanted to sell more issues, or that didn't know too much about what he was talking about, just because all the bands included in the label "post-metal" are still really metal. The bands those were labeled like post-rock like Tortoise or Mogwai were or are something different than rock like White Stripes or indie-rock like Dinosaur Jr., dont you think? if Isis is considered post meal then bands like Tool could be considered post-metal too. I think the bands are considered post-metal are just metal bands with influences of post-rock stuff like Mogwai or Godspeed you Black emperor but still metal, I think Cult of Luna is this situation. For me post-metal would be stuff like Khanate or Sunno))) bands those really are going defitnly a few steps beyond about experimentation in metal sounds.

Que cuáles son las diferencias entre bandas de heavy metal como Judas Priest y Iron Maiden, y bandas de post rock como Isis, Neurosis y Breach.
Well, obviously theres differences between "standard" metal bands like Judas Priest or Iron Maiden and bands like Neurosis or Isis, first of all bands like Neurosis and Isis have some punk-diy roots (in fact Neurosis in their early albums their music was punk rock, and were released by alternative tentacles, label of Jello Biafra) at least in the begining of their careers. Aparte of that, maybe here there´s really some connection between post-rock and post-metal: because thinking about it there´s a similar difference between Isis and Iron Maiden than between Goodspeed You Black Emperor and Rollings Stones, that´s a good example.

Que si un fan de Cult Of Luna es muy diferente de uno de Judas Priest.
I think cult of luna fans are not, at least in general, really typical "metal heads" fans of classic metal bands. But it doesn´t mean that somebody who have grown up listening classic metal can like cult of luna nowadays.

Que nos cuentes algo de vuestro último disco, Eternal kingdom.
Eternal kingdom is a new step in our evolution, on this album we have tried to let behind our post rock influences i think. there are less effects on guitars and less instrumental "landspaces".

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