jueves, 10 de septiembre de 2009

The Walk On By. Aprenda inglés (del bueno) con Harlem

Girona (8 de septiembre, Mariscal); Montblanc (9, Lennon); Amposta (10 Feeling); Madrid (11, Wurlitzer Ballroom); Urretxu (12, Gaztetxe); Vitoria (13, Ibu Hots)

"If you come to a show you will see real punk music is all about"

OSCAR CUBILLO, hermano brother, ha charlado con Solomon, cantante y guitarrista del grupo australiano The Walk On By, una nueva ameba, muy ruidosa, que sale del pantano donde moraban Nick Cave o los Scientists.

Que dónde y cómo creastéis esta banda.
The Walk On By was started in Sydney about May 2008, I had four songs I had written on guitar, I organized a jam with Leah and Dave, after one rehearsal I knew these were the poeple for my band, everything fell into place. There was an intensity in the air that you could taste.

Que cuáles son vuestras bandas favoritas.
All 3 of us have very different musicals tatse, I think this is the reason the band works so well, some of my infulences are, Rowland S Howard, Nick Cave, Nikki Sudden, Chrome Cranks, Albert Camus, Salvador Dali, The Wreckery, Crime and the city Solution. My favorite bands are mainly Australian bands like The Holy Soul, The Drones, Piano Is Drunk, Silvermoon, La Mancha Negra, The Nhomeas,The Whores, Bain Wolfkind and Slug Guts also I am a big fan of Dimi Dero Inc and Mark Steiner

Que si es cierto que os han echado de clubes rockeros por sonar demasiado alto.
Yes we have been banned from Bar Me in Sydney, it is a old famous Jazz bar, I have no idea how we got the show, people like Frank Sinatra have played there, we had a good crowd, things got a bit loud and heavy and the owner tried to call the police, but the end of the night, people were jumping on the piano on the stage and our amps were on 13, everyone except the owner was having a good time.

Que contéis algo de vuestro EP Mislaid y de vuestras letras.
Our songs are true and honest, we don't pretend to be anyone or sound like anyone, we do things the way we want and the way we like, if people don't like what we are doing we tell them to fuck off and listen to something else. Mislaid was a prefect title for the time that the EP was released, we were doing something but we didn't know what it was, I was mentally mislaid.

Que cómo serán los conciertos de esta gira española.
No matter when or where we play we always give it everything we have, it is not uncommon for me to throw up after a show because of exhaustion, past shows have included, dislocated knees, fractured ribs, broken guitars and PA's. If you come to a show you will see real punk music is all about.Que como sois tan rockeros, nos digáis que significa rock para vosotros.
I would say we are a punk influced rock band, like real punk music we don't care if people like it, we have something to say and we say our way. What does rock mean to me not much it's just a word, but it should be loud, dirty, sleezy and a big fuck you.

Que si sois profesionales, o tenéis trabajos a parte.
Because of the way the Austarlian music industry is unless you are prepared to play shit music that is made for 12 year old girls it is very hard to be in a band and not to have a day job. We pay for all our own recordings and tours, because we love doing it. We are really excited to be playing shows in Spain. Who knows, we may not leave.

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