domingo, 25 de enero de 2009

Tyketto. Aprenda inglés (del bueno) con Harlem

"It all started with The Beatles"

OSCAR CUBILLO ha charlado con Danny Vaughn, que estos días está de gira con Tyketto. Parece ser que presentando el disco The last sunset: farewell 2007. Pero mejor echas un vistazo a sus respuestas, para aclarar dudas.

Que por qué creaste Tyketto.
It's a very long story but Tyketto was started in 1988 when I met our drummer, Michael Clayton Arbeeny and we realized that we both needed to stop trying to find the perfect band to join and instead, create the perfect band to be in. We wanted to make the music that we loved and do so without taking orders from anybody. It took a while but we found the perfect people in Jimi Kennedy and Brooke St. James and the
rest, as they say, is history.

Que por qué regresas con la misma formación.
Although we all do other things now, Tyketto has remained a very important part of our lives. Our fans are wonderful and have never forgotten us. We have no intention of trying to be a full on working band again, but it gives us great joy to get together once in a while and play the Tyketto songs that so many people love. In the meantime, I keep on rolling with all of my solo projects when I'm not doing this.

Que cuáles son vuestras influencias.
There are so many. It all started with the Beatles. But I take ideas and thoughts from so much music over the years. Led Zeppelin, King's X, Bruce Springsteen, Stevie
Wonder,Areosmith, The Rolling Stones, Journey, the list goes on and on.

Que si a las chicas les gusta vuestra música más de lo normal.
I don't think so. This is rock and roll with melody. Everybody likes that!

Por qué escogiste un nombre como Tyketto.
We got tired of trying to find a clever, new name, so one day Brooke spotted the word Tyketto as graffiti on a wall in Brooklyn. We decided that sounded cool and just hoped it wasn't a gang name!

Que nos cuentes algo de The Last Sunset.
I's a collection of demos that I found in an old box one day. They are all
songs that we had written in hopes of getting them on one of our albums, but, for one reason or another, they never quite made it. They are out takes and songs that "almost made it". So it's an album for real hard core fans of ours. We are talking about possibly writing a new album someday soon, though.

Que por qué no está Brooke St. James, vuestro guitarrista clásico, en esta reunión.
Recently, Broke got an offer from a band that is working pretty much the entire year and he no longer has the time to do these mini tours of ours. It's a decision we all
understand and respect. We didn't want to just quit, however, so this tour we will have PJ Zitarosa, from my solo band, on guitar and a keyboard player named Bobby Lynch. It's going to sound amazing!

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